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Complete All 30 Illinois MCLE Hours

Including 6 Professional Responsibility (Including Diversity/Inclusion and Mental Health/Substance Abuse)

Whether you only need 1 or all 30 Illinois MCLE hours, you are covered with LexVid. Access 89 hours of affordable, high quality Illinois continuing legal education courses that not only focus on required practices areas, but also cover current events and emerging legal issues that will help you enhance your Illinois practice. You can easily fulfill all of your Illinois MCLE on-the-go, and even offline, with our top rated mobile app. If you are new to LexVid you can even complete your first IL CLE course for free!

Custom IL MCLE Packages

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Enjoy affordable and convenient CLE compliance with the Illinois Course Bundle, or go beyond a bundle, and choose the courses you want to watch from our entire library of 74 continuing legal education courses with our A La Carte, IL Custom, or Unlimited packages. LexVid has the perfect CLE package to meet your Illinois continuing legal education needs.

A Curated Library of Illinois MCLE Courses

Choose from 74 IL Online MCLE Courses Comprising 89 Credit Hours

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Get started with one of our popular Illinois continuing legal education courses or maximize your time and only watch courses in the practice areas you care about. Illinois accredited Professional Responsibility, Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion, and Mental Health and Substance Abuse courses are hard to find. With 30 practice areas to choose from, and over 89 hours of courses, you'll easily satisfy your entire Illinois MCLE requirement and learn something new with each course!


Illinois Professional Responsibility Courses


Illinois Mental Health/Substance Abuse Courses


Illinois Diversity/Inclusion Courses

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Illinois MCLE Requirements

Group 1 (Last Name A-M)
Compliance Deadline:
June 30th, Even Years
Group 2 (Last Name N-Z)
Compliance Deadline:
June 30th, Odd Years

Requirements: 30 hours every 2 years, including 6 hours of professional responsibility. Of those 6 hours professional responsibility hours, 1 hour must be in diversity/inclusion and 1 hour must be in mental health/substance abuse.


Earn all of your Illinois MCLE credits with LexVid

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Top Illinois MCLE Provider

Instant Certificates

Certificates of completion are instantly emailed, and saved for easy access and reporting.

No Tests or Quizzes

Advanced course player technology means attorneys can receive credit just by watching a course.

Live Customer Support

Speak with a live person based here in the US who is an expert about all things LexVid & CLE.

Pause & Resume Anytime

When watching a course your progress is tracked so you can start on one device and resume on another.

24 / 7 / 365

On-demand CLE courses are available anywhere, anytime, and can even be completed offline.

Free Mobile App

Easily stream courses or download them and view offline with LexVid’s Mobile App for Apple & Android.

The Right CLE Package For You


IL Course Bundle

Receive a curated playlist of Illinois courses to easily & affordably fulfill your CLE requirement online.

Choose Your Courses

Choose only the hours you need & the courses you want to watch with A La Carte Hours, or the IL Custom Package.

Unlimited CLE Courses

Complete all of the IL CLE courses you want for 1 year. Satisfy more than one reporting period.

Free On-Demand Illinois MCLE Courses

Want to try a free LexVid course before you purchase a Illinois MCLE package? Would you like to be kept in the know when free Illinois MCLE on-demand courses are available to your and your colleagues? Create a free account to access your 1st on-demand course.

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