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Read All 14 Reviews
This was so informative and the presenter was phenomenal.
- Debra Ann W
The instructor's knowledge and detail was impressive and informative.
- Thomas C
Excellent information for all humans - not just lawyers - it reminds of the book "What Happened To You?"
- Ashley O
Very well done informative
- David C
- Michael A
Very helpful and a lot of compassion thank you
- Sylvie D
Excellent. smooth flow. thorough explanations and connections. TY
- Diane C
Wonderful presentation that really hits home with a lot of lawyers. Clients that have suffered. Great job Mr. Silver.
- John K
I love it!
- Vladimir K
Insightful and interesting presentation.
- Gordon M
Learned a lot i can use in my practice. Well Done!
- Barbara H
Mr Silver gave a superb presentation of this critically important topic.
- Kevin C
excellent presentation
As a retired law enforcement professional, I cannot say I agreed with 100% of Dr. Silver's presentation but it was most commendable nonetheless. It is obvious he has great clinical experience and underscores the chasm between a nuturing childhood environment and a negligent childhood environment. There are children that you come across where you think, "they never had a chance." One point of interest might be the (suggested) sociopathy that occurs in young males between the ages of 13-16.
- Hugh O