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Read All 81 Reviews
This course had a lot of useful information that I intend to incorporate into my own practice. I appreciated how the lecturer proposed limited-scope services as a way to help attorneys improve their own quality of lives- personally and professionally.
- Emi K
Excellent and thoughtful presentation = well worth the time to view. Recommended.
- Elen Pass B
Valuable information about a great alternative practice structure, but would love to know more about the agreements one would sign with clients at the beginning of the case and what must be done to make sure the client understands the limitation of the scope of this type of practice.
- Vera N
Very good presentation.
- David B
Excellent presenter and content.
- Carol R
Excellent presentation of a novel practice alternative. Full of positive values!
- Martin M
As it turns out, this is the type of practice I developed for the same reasons presented. Yes, it is much less stressful. I have a better quality of life. And most important to me, I get to actually help people who otherwise could not afford legal services.
- Michael P
This was an advertisement for the instructor.
- Leslie K
practical and refreshing suggestions for enhancing my practice.
- Markos D
Excellent thoughts and presentation!
- Larry L
an interesting idea for a new type practice
- Mark P
Interesting topic. The statistics were surprising.
- Alicia B
Well done and very helpful!
- Gregory B
Very interesting. It has inspired me to start developing more mediation offerings along with our traditional practice.
- Samuel C
very inspiring
- J D
great lecture, very informative
- Andrew W
Interesting and refreshing perspective. Sadly, many of us in the profession know that the "average" client cannot afford our services. This fresh, non-traditional approach is a frontal assault on that mistaken assumption. Bravo!!!
- David V
Interesting and well presented.
- dan a
Very informative program. I recently moved into an apartment community where all the residents are at least 55. Many are on fixed incomes. I wondered if it would be feasible to offer my services to my neighbors at a greatly reduced hourly rate and refer them out if their issues were more than I wanted to tackle. Until I saw this video I did not know that others do this or that there is a name for this kind of practice. Not only is it feasible, but it is being done successfully. Thank you for showing me the way!
- Carron N
Brilliant and very relevant! Excellent source on something I have been considering.
- Julie M
Meaningful guidelines for a counseling focused, limited scope practice--Excellent and encouraging!
- Debra H
Very interesting presentation and clearly explained her somewhat unique practice.
- Donald L
Great speaker, interesting
- Chris V
What a helpful video!
- Kelly Z
I listened to every minute! It is one of those "good to know" courses, and Ms. Sobel knows her stuff.
- Karen Denise J