Excellent presentation! Useful information for helping our clients form businesses.
- Jaime S
Good content and presentation.
- Jon M
Good review of business structures.
- Meredith T
- s f
Amazingly good presentation for a one hour program.
- John M
Very pleasant speaker and good information clearly presented.
- Alice Gayle A
Well organized
- Michael K
- Gabriel d
- Carol C
Very informative
- Andrew G
An excellent overview
- James S
Solid instruction.
- Roy G
Excellent summary of business structures taught by an experienced attorney who keeps the presentation factual and interesting. I will be looking for any of her other presentations.
- Joseph S
This is a great overview of the different entities available in California. It is much more than a "cursory" review, and that is really impressive when you consider it is just over an hour.
- Ronald S
Well organized and knowledgeable presenter!
- Lauren P
This was presented well. Nice work!
- Michael S
This was an excellent presentation. It was clear and informative, and provided a concise introductory overview of business organizations.
- Derrick O
Very good overall but course materials lack detail