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Read All 148 Reviews
Very good.
- Hugh Stanton P
Superb knowlege; and very applicable to today's media paradigm.
- Jaime S
Excellent presentation.
- Jonathan T
I liked the integration of the on-screen Power Point with the audio visual presentation. It would be great if more presentations would use this feature.
- William R
Very informative...enjoyable presentation.
- Robert K
I could not read the written posts during his presentation. The print was much too small.
- Daniel P
Social media is constantly evolving. I think the information I received in my Post Grad IT studies is already out dated Very useful information & great references.
- Colleen W
Good recap of a vastly changed and changing area.
- Chris H
I have a much clearer understanding now of what is permissible in social media wrt sharing legal ideas versus promoting a legal practice.
- Mary M
Didn't really apply to me
- Charlotte R
I was impressed with not only the information presented, but also with how it was presented. He knows his stuff and is an effective speaker. Thank you.
- Eileen K
Too general in nature
- Jonathan H
Very complete and eye opening.
- Jose A
Well done! Lots to think about....
- Barbara S
Very well done. Instructor very interesting. He enjoyed speaking on this topic and conveyed that - so listener was interested in subject. I would recommend!
- Katherine J K
very helpful, all pulled together nicely
- richard w
Excellent presentation
- Kathleen R
Very current and thorough
- Barbara N
Excellent speaker and interesting content.
- Carol R
This program gave a great overall explanation about the responsibilities lawyers have when engaging with the public online as well as excellent examples of state law and what not to do.
- Rachel R
excellent information and very engaging!
- Brett C
Clear, detailed, and useful.
- John B
Very solid presentation. Has aged well too since it is several years old, but still applicable.
- Michael G
An excellent course, has a lot of insights on how to deal with social media, and considerations. Well done.
- Geraldine M