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Read All 20 Reviews
The presenter was enthusiastic and knowledgeable about ERISA "soup and nuts." I might suggest that if he makes another video that he consider taping in a better lit room and either sit down or stand behind a lectern as some of his physical actions, and the atmosphere, was a bit distracting. Good info though.
- Marsha D
Excellent video. However, some of the case law is outdated. There was a recent Supreme Court case which changed the analysis regarding Church Plans (Advocate Health Care Network v. Stapleton), and the Orzechowski decision came out.
- Andrew K
Informative but it would be nice to have a more recent update'
- A. D. F
I think the instructor did a great job about making a hard topic interesting and informative.
- Melissa J
Interesting topic.
- Mary Ann P
The instructor is a very good ERISA lawyer.
- Kenneth O
Thank you for this course! I've got a couple of ERISA issues right now and this gave me a good start on how to approach them. The written materials are excellent and will be a useful resource for me.
- Audrey M
Interesting and helpful.
- John B
Mr. Petti was very professional and informative.
- Jana P
Good overview. Useful and informative
- Daniel M
Excellent program with information I intend to use!
- Kelly Z
Informative and easy to listen to
- Rebecca G
- Michael H
very good handouts
Very well presented
- Rob M
Excellent program and instructor.
- Larry S
Great Lecturer. Enjoyed it a lot.
- Ian S
nice overview
- Susan V
Mentioned Sereboff, Amara and Montanile cases.
- Terrence V
xcellent information
- Isaac F