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Read All 5 Reviews
I learned a lot.
- Tulasi H
Instructor knows her stuff! This is not an area of the law that I have used in my practice and will most likely not use in the future, hence the educational or practical content of this course being not something I will have reason to utilize.
- Adam R
Excellent and thorough
- Sylvia M
What a task our presenter took on; and she never faltered I was a workers comp applicant's attorney (and w.c.def atty for a smaller part of that) 31 years, and darn, wish I had been given the BiG Picture about medicare's practives, expectations, down to the dirty detail as was presented here, say --20 years ago!!!? Thanks for bundling this info that always seems so arcane, but is in fact so so important to so many lawyers with real people as clients! Yes thanks!