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Read All 7 Reviews
Good presentation
- Abdul G
Interesting topic and well presented. Thanks.
- Jacob F
The doctor gave an excellent presentation and most importantly practical tips on handling these sensitive LGBT cases.
- Bibiana A
Enjoyed this course. Very sensitive topic, very well addressed.
- Eulalia S
The Course Presenter (despite some sort of allergy or head cold issue) did a MAGNIFICENT job. His speaking/presentation style is highly effective, extremely professional and absolutely interesting and persuasive. It's clear that he possesses a preternatural mastery of the course's subject matter. Also clear are his outstanding analytical and critical thinking skills, his passion for teaching about this particular subject and the manner in which he utilizes these abominable and abhorrent human and civil rights violations into tools for successful asylum hearing outcomes...and tools for healing.
- Michael W
Very interesting topic covering areas I wanted to know more about.
- Odette C