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Read All 13 Reviews
Solid, useful information for client and attorneys both on issues of sexual harassment. Good Q&A at the end.
- Jaime S
Very well done presentation.
- Eric F
great course thanks
very subtle subject matter with subtle ins and outs, tough to teach but he did good
- william s
Excellent course. Really enjoyed it.
- Manuel M
Engaging character, heralded by tuxedo dress shirt and colorful bow tie agst grey suit, worthy of a presentation by a professional actor, prizing his individualism. Announced his frailties of being "a morbidly obese person lapping everyone on the couch, " which clinched his connection with anyone else online who fell into that vulnerable quality. Fact that he brought this up, made him particularly inclusive, sensitive, effective communicator with those society has dispossessed.
- sheila L
Great speaker
- John L
Would love to have this instructor teach a more detailed course about sexual harassment and the legal profession
- Lindsay H
Fantastic speaker with practical approach and good strategies.
- Avenne M
Terrific job.
- Michelle K
Never contemplated all of the facets of micro aggression. Very informative.
- Rebecca M
Instructor did not seem to comprehend the significance of the fact that a Superior Court could find factually that discrimination or harassment did not occur and an un-elected bureaucrat could still continue to harass the accused on behalf of a dishonest and/or disgruntled employee.
- Thomas H
It was a very well thought out presentation but he left a few things vague and he had some difficulty answering questions after the main presentation
- Glenn N