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Read All 29 Reviews
Ken Rashbaum provided an excellent review of an evolving subject.
- Edward B
This is a great program for discussing how to establish a document retention policy and the consequences for failing to do so. Excellent case examples!
- Rachel R
- Kathleen R
Very helpful information and extremely convenient!
- William W
Very relevant to my practice. Thank you!
- Kristin L
Knowledgeable and interesting speaking. Slides were difficult to see and read. Discussion general enough to be applicable to several kinds of businesses and industries.
- Carol Lee H
Very thorough program.
- Glenna L
- Bonnie S
Interesting and well presented.
- Terry T
Very thought-provoking material for a workplace in flux.
- Scott M
Very impressive presentation and directly applicable to my job as contract manager in IT at HCA.
- John E
very worthwhile program
- Andrea G
Very informative
- Melissa S
The best video of the 21 I have viewed on your website so far. EXCELLENT SPEAKER and very worthwhile topic.
- Phillip P
- Z Lance S
Very knowledgeable, helpful format.
- Natasha S
As a long-time litigator currently working as an e-discovery review team professional, this program is an excellent overview of the topic presented, with interesting and relevant coverage of international considerations that may not be apparent to novices or even moderately-experience people in the field. Excellent course.
- Herbert S
Excellent in all respects
- Bruce D S
Very interesting instructor with great real life examples
- Pattie C
- J. 0
Lots of good cases cited.
- Natalie B
very instructive and good presentation always from this individual
- Wendie E
Good information
- Herbert H
- Azalea R
Speaker is very knowledgeable!
- Robert B