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Read All 13 Reviews
Great Presentation.
- Nicholas S
Highly informative! Very useful for civilian attorneys who have service members as clients.
This was an interesting course. Unfortunately, I could not make out many of the questions for the Q&A section.
- Daniel E
Seemed a little too off the cuff. Could have been more specific about concurrent prosecution issues, specific loss of benefits.
- Amy-Hannah B
Outstanding presentation by both! Thank you each!
- Lloyd F
Great insight and content for attorneys like myself who represent military personnel at times.
- Reve B
Course was good but the graphics in the written material were not viewable at times.
- Catherine C
Very informative, clear, and well presented with engaging speakers who laid out the law in a thorough but easy to understand way.
- shannan d
Very interesting. Thank you.
- Jillian B
Good general knowledge for attorneys practicing near a military base.
- john d
Course was good. The written materials were not clear to see during the presentation.....
- Josh L
Excellent presentation on a discrete and specialized practice area. The use of two presenters in a sort of tag-team delivery is very effective and engaging. A "must see" if your practice is near a large military base and you are thinking of reaching out to and serving the active duty military community.
- Richard B
Very informative and excellent presentation but for not being able to here the questions of the audience.
- Norbert B